Lessons from Motherland đź“ş

Hello dear reader,

Welcome to this week’s sidetrack - your midweek purpose-driven mood booster.


I was watching a re-run of Motherland the other night. It was the truly bonkers episode in which new character Meg goes wild at night, whilst Julia is just managing to cling on to sanity but has just been offered a promotion at work. She spends the episode mithering over whether to take the job, and comparing here life to Meg’s (which she thinks looks incredible compared to hers). “I thought feminists decided it was unfeminist to have it all,” she says to Liz as she watches Meg expertly navigate 5 kids and a mega job. 


In the final moments of the episode, she doesn’t just turn it down, she walks away from the job completely. It would be just one compromise too many, and she knows it.


I wonder whether you can think about a time when it was hard to do what you knew was best? When you had to say no to a possibly great opportunity because it didn’t fit with your values, or where you wanted to be going?


In my own life, the clearer I have got about my purpose, the clearer the decisions I have had to make have become. That does not mean it was easy, in fact some choices have been unbelievably tough, and costly - in more ways than one. But what I do know is that it has been even more costly when I have made the decision to ignore my sense of purpose in my decisions. 


- Following purpose is costly, it closes doors, but it’s more costly to ignore it

- Following your purpose is also rewarding, in so many ways - the science behind our health benefits for example is unbelievable! (e.g. it add years to your life, reduce heart attack risk, cut risk of Alzheimers by half!)

- Comparing your purpose, your life, to someone else’s just leaves you feeling empty and snarky. 

A C T I O N 

- Do more of what you were made to do. Take the time to really get to know what this is, what you love to do, what you love to see happen. Use this as your guiding light


- If you feel in a fog, or simply stuck in a rut knowing you’re probably not living aligned with your purpose


- I have my signature course, The Purpose Pursuit, starting end of Sept. Get yourself on the waitlist and find out more. 


- When there’s a decision to be made - ask yourself, is this drawing me nearer to my purpose, or pulling me away? Answer accordingly.


On that last bullet point, I too have a decision to make about something I’ve been asked to do. Using that criteria, it’s a definite YES. I think I’ll send that text confirmation right now. 



Hannah x


who is driving the car? đźš™


could do better 🍎