Finding Courage When Life Throws You Curveballs

Hello everyone, 


I’m so pleased that today I’ve got something special and so useful to share with you.


Here’s a few reasons to stay tuned:


If you’re wanting to make a career pivot and you’re trying to find the courage


If you’re someone who is acting as an unpaid carer


If you’re single parent


If you have a child with additional needs


If you’re interested in working a portfolio career or adding strings to your bow


If you’re just generally interested in listening to the stories of brave everyday people


I had the privilege of sitting down with Penny Wincer, author, freelance writer, interior photographer and single parent.


I wanted to learn more about how she has found purpose in her work, even when life threw the kind of curveballs at her that suggested she should play it safe.


I listened to how Penny has prioritised her son and his significant additional needs but also demonstrated real bravery to create a life of meaning for herself, too.


How she’s refused to make her life smaller, in the face of circumstances that would make anyone understand why she would choose to shrink back.


How when life hits the fan, we can actually use that to help us make the next decision.


Penny and I talk about how pressure, pain and panic can actually be a real opportunity for us to propel forward and take the plunge (lots of alliteration in here!) rather than a reason to retreat.

Penny’s message is an encouragement to each of us that a life of purpose is not just available, but imperative for each and every one of us. 

Penny widens our definition of purpose, helping us understand that purpose is about community, contributing, building on our skills and strengths.

If you want to discover more of your purpose, and find the courage to live it out in your own life, whatever your circumstance might be, I’d love to invite you to join The Purpose Pursuit.


In six weeks I will guide you through a proven process that will give you the tools to make courageous decisions and move closer to the life you’re looking for, for you and your family. 

Have a listen to Penny’s story and her wisdom gained from her experiences, I know it will embolden and encourage you to take a leap of faith yourself. 




Hannah x


P.S. You can find out more about Penny and her books, and her proposal workshop groups here: 


Unscripted Q&A: Parenting, Purpose, and More


Is it Time to Move On?