My Story ❤️
Hello dear reader/listener,
In a recent coaching/mentoring session, Thommy mentioned that she would love to hear a bit more about my personal story. How did I get here? What did it look like? What worked and what didn’t?
So, I began to share a bit about it. We delved into some of the details (she asked, honestly), and at the end, she said to me, ‘You know, Hannah, that could be a podcast episode.’ On top of this, Zo is always encouraging me to share a bit more about my life and how I’ve ended up where I am.
And so, here we are. This week’s episode is a condensed version of my story. It’s not everything, of course. I focus mainly on work and how I’ve ended up doing what I’m doing. It’s not about childhood (not this time, anyway), but it gives you a bit of an idea of my journey, which I genuinely hope will be encouraging to you all. It feels a tad indulgent, but on the other hand, I know firsthand how powerful storytelling can be, and the only one I can tell with full conviction is my own.
Some of the takeaways that I think will make a difference to you:
Why you don’t need all the details to make a change
Why nothing is wasted
Why pain and disappointment can be the catalyst we need to make a change
How we can use things we learn from one season to help us in the next
How our assignments might change, but our purpose stays the same
Here are some final thoughts for you to take into your day before I sign off:
1 quote: “The purpose of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think upon.” ― Brandon Sanderson
1 stat: Research published in Harvard Business Review reveals that stories are up to 22 times more memorable than facts alone.
1 question: When you think about your personal or professional journey, what are the key themes or messages you would want to convey if you were to tell your story to inspire others?
I hope you enjoy this episode.
Hannah x
P.S. If you want some help shaping the next chapter of your story, sign up for the waitlist for my coaching course—6 weeks dedicated to helping busy women at a crossroads find and take their next exciting steps. Starting mid-September.